Just over a week ago, I joined ReKon for a couple of days on the film Full of Grace as a Set Production Assistant.
The general crew call was usually around 6 AM in Hollywood at Occidental Stages. This translated to a 4:30 AM wake up call – Yes, I was extremely tired waking up but, the thought of being on set again, kept me motivated to get out of bed and start my day.
The first task of the day was the parking lot or should I say the parking maze. Each crew member was directed into a strategically specific parking spot in order to fit the most cars into the lot. After the adventure of pulling forward and maneuvering around coffee drinking crew ended, I was assigned the responsibility of the crafty room. This task meant making sure coffee, tea and water was always available and keeping everything organized. By doing so, I was able to talk to some of the cast as well as the crew which allowed me to ask more information to better understand their jobs and the whole workings of the set.
The days I helped out on Full of Grace all the scenes were shot on a soundstage in a 1st century house set. It was impressive to witness the creation of historical storytelling come to life with the help of lights and smoke. One of my duties, as a PA, was to alternate the brightness of the lights, with the help of a Variac, to create a flame effect. It may sound painful (during an 11 minute take) and boring to some of you but, it was actually one of my highlights because I was near the set and the video village monitor, observing a handful of creative individuals in their element.
Every chance I get to be on set, allows me to experience another side of the industry that helps me identify the professional role I hope to one day have.

Written by Valerie Kenol