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The Other Note
Cast & Crew
Creative Director/ Writer / Director: Scott McCullough
Producer: Windy Buhler
Producer / Line Producer: Jon Michael Kondrath
Director of Photography: Scott McCullough
Agency / Production Company: Edge of Reason, L.L.C.
Production Services Company: ReKon Productions
Production Type: Public Service Announcement
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Status: Completed
Over 20 American war veterans commit suicide every day. In response to this horrifying statistic, award-winning director Scott McCullough and producer, Windy Buhler, created “The Other Note,” a powerful :60 broadcast and internet public service message on behalf of NVF Founder, Shad Meshad, and the National Veterans Foundation, featuring well-known actor, activist and NVF Honorary Board Member, Martin Sheen.
Written, shot and directed by McCullough, the dramatic PSA entitled, “The Other Note” was conceived to capture attention, to educate, and to inform the public of the alarming and increasing suicide rates in the military, and to focus attention on the National Veterans Foundation, the first 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a vet-to-vet crisis hotline, the Lifeline for Vets, providing highly successful transition and suicide prevention services and an established outreach program for all veterans and their families.