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A Moment For Love
Cast & Crew
Director: Jospeh Matarrese, Phillip Matarrese
Producer: Jon Michael Kondrath, Kristina Kondrath
Starring: Bobby Love, Adam Huss, Gary Morgan, Bonnie Morgan, Molly Morgan
Production Company: ReKon Productions
Production Type: Feature Film
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Status: Post Production
A Moment For Love, an independent feature film, is a modern day comedy/drama fairytale about a guilt ridden
singer songwriter Trevor in Los Angeles. Trevor met fashion/costume designer Bobby Love and entered his
fantastical world of fashion and glamour and became Bobby’s model and muse. Through their friendship and
interaction with Bobby’s dad Teddy, sisters Dotty and Suzy, uncle Carl, and Bobby’s partner Marcus, chaos ensues
and Trevor and Bobby’s lives are changed forever.