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Revisiting An Old Friend: Adobe Premiere

ReKon Intern

October 15, 2014

It’s editing time today at ReKon and I got to revisit an old friend.

I haven’t used Adobe Premiere since my junior year of high school. It was just like riding a bike, you never forget, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to be as good as when you left it.

My progression of non-linear editor are as follows; Windows Movie Maker, Sony Vegas Pro, Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro 7, Final Cut Pro X and then Avid Media Composer. My preference is currently Final Cut 7, but I have a desire to switch to either Premiere or Avid.

I was easily able to jump back into the Premiere workflow again, especially after I set the keyboard layout to the Final Cut settings. I wasn’t as efficient as when I left Premiere, but I have become a much stronger editor since I used it last and that made editing the material quite easy.

As far as the project goes I had a blast editing the “DJ KimKat” videos. They were fun little interviews spliced with footage of them DJing. It was nice to edit a piece knowing that you can use exciting music without copyright infringement. I’ll be excited to see my work online.

Written by James Majeau

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