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ReKon COO Lesley Lopez Talks About Passion And Purpose

Jon Kondrath

September 6, 2020

Lesley Lopez, COO of ReKon Productions, shared her thoughts on telling stories on The Ashe Academy’s podcast Inspire. Uplift. Engage. Lesley shared her inspiration and passion for filmmaking with host Samuel Ashe. The discussion covers mentorship, learning, and what serving your purpose means for you personally and for your career.

Here are a few highlighted quotes.

There’s a thousand things you can do in the film industry… it’s a team of people, it’s very much like we are building Brigadoon, and it comes down the next day and we do it every week.  So to build Brigadoon, you need everyone.”
I like to remind filmmakers that it is a business… One of my big things about business is you have to be realistic.  You have to be realistic about people’s time, you have to be realistic about money, and you have to be realistic about expectations.  And sometimes you get into a wonderful bubble where all three of these things work… but that isn’t the case 90% of the time.”
I take jobs for 1 of 3 reasons.  I’m doing it for somebody.  I’m doing it because I’m going to learn something.  Or because I really care about the story.  But I have to be learning something, doing something, or making a difference somehow.”
My work as a story teller is to help other people tell stories.  I believe wholeheartedly in story telling, because I think it is the only way to teach empathy in the world.”

Listen to the full podcast.

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